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6 Valentines Day Horror Stories That Will Truly Haunt You
Feb 04, 2019

Whether you're single or taken, Valentine's Day never lives up to the hype. Not to mention Instagram's saturation of romantic dates that would even make the Bachelor In Paradise producers envious, to the abundance of flowers on every corner on that god for saken day in February. We thought we'd get a little perspective with 6 Valentine's Day horror storries that will make you feel (slightly) better about your current or former dating faux-pas.
"My boyfriend broke up with me on my birthday, then asked if we could meet up on Valentine's Day. I thought he was going to ask for us to get back together, instead he wanted his stuff back"- Emily
"I took my GF to her favourite bar for V Day, it was going fine until her best friend showed up alone and joined us. The two of them started getting drunk, so I tried to be the good guy and give both of them attention since her friend was alone. My GF ended up accusing me of giving her friend too much attention and we ended up fighting on the street"- Sam
"The guy I was 'talking' to sent flowers to me at work, but before I got them - I had already broken up with him that morning"- Grace
"After getting ready, driving the hour or so (in traffic) - I arrive at a hot dog stand where upon ordering he asks me to spilt the bill for our $4 hot dogs. For the rest of the evening he did nothing but sit on his phone and play Candy Crush"- Emma
"My first Valentine's Day was spent by receiving flowers from my boyfriend that he admitted to stealing..."- Liesl
"The guy I was seeing asked me to dinner one night, which happened to be Valentine's Day. I got a blow wave, dressed up and waited at the restaurant for 45 minutes. I could feel everyone giving me sad-eyes. When he finally go there, he had no excuse and no flowers. When he finally realised it was V Day, he panicked and then dumped me by saying 'he wasn't in a good place' etc.." - Abbey

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