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Fathers Day Funnies: Happy Fathers Day!
Aug 20, 2019

To the Hello Molly Team, what was the most iconic piece of advice or 'Dad joke' from your dad or father figure?
Justin Wei (Digital Marketing Specialist, Full-Time Dad)
Dad Joke
Best Life Advice From Dad
"Do what you love and find someone to pay you to do it!"
Jasmine C. (Copywriter)
Dad Joke
Image credit: GIPHY
(Me struggling to put on my strappy heels) "Dad can you please put on my shoes?"
Dad - "Sure, but I don't think they'd fit me!" (Cue instant groan)
Best Life Advice From Dad
"If it doesn't hold with tape, you're not using enough tape"
Anya (Creative Director)
Dad Joke
Image credit: GIPHY (Golden Girls)
"Are you really wearing that for pants?"
Best Life Advice From Dad
"Get into this thing they call the internet."
Matthew (Digital Technician, Ruler of Dad Puns)
Image credit: Pinterest
Dad Joke 1
"Why did the banker quit his job? He lost Interest!"
Dad Joke 2 (A Classic Chuck Norris joke)
Chuck Norris once kicked a guy in the back of the face (Budum tss!)
Elise (Social Media Coordinator)
Dad Joke 1
Image credit: GIPHY (Mr Bean)
"As I put my car in reverse, I thought to myself...
This takes me back!"
Best Life Advice from Dad
"Always stay positive!"
Bella (PR Assistant)
Image credit: GIPHY (Tom And Jerry)
Dad Joke
"What do you call a girl in the middle of a tennis court? Anette!"
Best Life Advice From Dad
Tina (PR Manager)
Image credit: Pinterest (funny signs)
Dad Joke
"I'm deathly afraid of elevators. So I take a lot of steps to avoid them!"
Have A Happy Fathers Day Everyone!

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