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Fun Things To Do On A Leap Day!!
Feb 07, 2020

Yeah, we have a Feb. 29. We can't believe it's a Leap Year either! Here's how you can put this extra February day to good use with this easy and fun Hello Molly activities!
Play leap frog around the office
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Write a letter to yourself to be opened on the next leap year
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Grab the girls, make some pop corn and watch the chick flick Leap Year
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Throw an impromptu dinner party for your babes
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Buy a super-cute outfit
via Hello Molly
Start your transition into March by treating yourself to a mani or pedi
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Call an overseas bestie
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Plan a weekend getaway
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Throw out your old clothes and make way for a new wardrobe
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Take advantage of travel deals for leap day
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Propose to your partner (yes you can do this on a leap year)
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Adopt a puppy
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Take a leap of faith and sign up for something new (like an improv floral arrangement class)
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Start learning to play an instrument
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Improve your wine knowledge
Start collecting shells
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Challenge your culinary skills and get cooking!
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Get your portrait taken and get another one in the next four years
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Experiment with a new hair do
Make a vision board
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Grab an easel and paints and sketch the scenery
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Write a poem
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Start a diary on anything you want
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