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How To Act Like The most Powerful Girl In The Room
Mar 11, 2019

As the saying goes, sometimes you’ve got to fake it till you make it. Whether you’re starting a new job, walking into a meeting or even conducting a presentation, it is quite common to be judged or examined from the moment you enter a room. Thus, acing your presentation and body language skills is a key component to acting like you’ve got your sh*t together.
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WWMMD OR what would Meghan Markle do? When it comes to posture, sometimes it can be so easy to stand with your arms folded and your shoulders slumped. However, if you want to come across as though you’re somewhat ‘special’, stand with your arms behind you back, with one hand holding your wrist. This will also eliminate any bad habits of fidgeting or expressing nervous body language.
Whilst this can feel un-natural at the start, the steeple (a the triangle formation hand gesture) will create the illusion of confidence and assurance in whatever point you are making.
When you want to appear more assertive in a professional environment, plant you feet firmly apart. This kind of body language is a sub-conscience cue of confidence and authority. Typically, if someone is unsure, anxious or feeling uncomfortable - they will take up as little space as possible. This also applies during a meeting with files and paper work. Instead of piling your paper work in a small neat pile, disperse appropriate files or papers next to each other as this gives the impression of power.
If someone appears anxious or nervous, they will play with their hair, fiddle with jewellery or fidget with their fingers. In this situation, when sitting have your hands on your lap and if you are standing, either steeple during conversation or have your hands behind your back.
A common trait within women is to ‘over’ smile or give an nod to someone during conversation to make them feel warm or acknowledged. Whilst this usually done to be friendly and likeable amongst peers, it can be perceived as sign of weakness. Instead, save your smile for when you actually agree with something, this way people with appreciate it more.

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