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Signs You're Burnt Out At Work
Mar 18, 2019

You’ve either clicked on this article because we’ve hit a sore spot and you’re mentally saying “THIS. IS. ME”…or for the lucky ones — you’re calm as a cucumber and just trying to find a way to pass the time between MAFS ad breaks. Whatever you’re situation is, it’s important to be in tune with yourself and know the signs of when enough is enough. With job burnout being extremely common, especially for women under the age of 30, here are the common ‘feels’ of job burn out and when it’s you and when it’s them…
Being Caught Up In Work, Even When You’re Not At Work
Find yourself stressing or thinking about your job, even when you’re not at work? You’re not alone. Mulling over work at Sunday brunch will not only do nothing for the issue at hand, but will also drain your capabilities to reach maximum potential during work hours. In order to recover, you need to actively switch off and allow your body and brain hit refresh.
Lack Of Motivation
Anything that makes you not want to get out of bed in the morning due to stress or anxiety, usually comes with lack motivation. Try re-inspiring yourself with podcasts and articles that’ll not only give you perspective, but a new found spring in your step when going to work.
That Feeling Of Anxiety When You Check Your Phone
In this day and age communication has no boundaries. Depending on the workplace procedures put in place, it’s not uncommon to have your boss and work colleagues on several platforms or chats. Like any relationship it’s all about balance. If youR boss messages you out of hours on the odd occasion, that’s okay. However, if you find your boss calling and texting you every evening or weekend with the expectation for you to be ‘on’ 24/7, this is not okay. If this is the case, sit down and have a chat with your boss on what the expectation and boundaries are within the company.
Bad Job Performance
Feel like you’re working harder than ever, but not seeing the results? The stresses that come with working harder not smarter will soon take a toll on your job performance over an extended period of time. How to hit refresh? Take the time out to plan, delegate and assess what actually needs to be done and what can be re-evaluated.
A Rise In Problems Within Your Personal Life
With bad work life balance, comes poor relationships at home. Find yourself answering emails over dinner? Or perhaps when relaxing at home, you’re physically there but mentally you’re at work? Sooner or later those close to you will notice the distance and begin to feel frustrated. The best way to manage this is by delegating a small pocket of time to strategise your work issues, then close the lid and spend quality time with your friends and family.

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