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Vibrator Myths Debunked
Jun 26, 2020

Ah, the V-word. No, not that one. Vibrators. You love them, you dislike them, or refuse to admit you've used one. Whatever the reasoning, we've debunked those myths around the 'taboo', the world's worst kept secret, the 'inappropriate topic'. Check out our guide!
Vibrators Prevent Natural Orgasms
Uh.... what is a natural orgasm exactly? Whether you experience it from your partner, yourself, or from a vibrator, it's still an orgasm girl. Having a 'man-made' orgasm has no bearing on your ability to have one during sex.
Although something to remember, a vibrator is basically a high powered version of the sex act. So if you over-use your vibrator, you may become a little desensitised to the real deal. If you're using your vibrator while in a sexual relationship, find a balance where you and your partner can really reap the benefits!
You Can Only Use Vibrators Alone
They're often seen as a single woman's best friend. Once you're coupled, there's this whole stupid concept they should be thrown in the bin. This stigma around vibrators that single women can't find a partner is gross, old-fashioned stereotype! Many women use them from businesswomen, married women and yes, mums dabble too...
They're not just used for personal pleasure. They're used to contribute to overall wellness from aiding sleep, strengthening our pelvic muscles, and reducing anxiety. So, there's not just the 'one-type' of woman who uses them.
Purchasing A Vibrator Is Embarassing
Oh honey. Don't feel bad. 78% of women worldwide own a vibrator. There's nothing to be ashamed about. Vibrators are the worst kept secret out there... and it's our job as forward-thinking, self-love empowered women to end that stigma.
They're Responsible For Ruining Sex
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!
Vibrators don't ruin sex. In fact, thrown into the mix, 65% of millennials have proven a vibrator can make sex better. It's a sexy addition to foreplay and level the playing field when it comes to sex. Heterosexual women clinically take longer to orgasm compared to their male partners, so using a vibrator will help even things out for you. Hey, you come first girl!
They're Intimidating
Well.... yeah, if you choose a dildo that's the scariest one on the shelf. Babe, have you seen our Smile Makers range? There's perfectly pastel, slim-lined, and non-threatening as they come! (no pun intended!). For years, the pleasure industry was owned by men. In a lot of cases, sex toys and vibrators were designed based on how the male gender wanted to represented. Often unrealistically.
Today, there's a surge of feminist sex toys available. Like Smile Makers, for example, it puts women's sexual health and personal preferences at the forefront. This is from their design, functionality, packaging, and their use to promote various sexual stimulation. Every girl is different and enjoys a different sensation! Also, we can't stop gushing the names of the Smile Makers range.
Vibrators Numb Your Genitals
Some women on the fence are under the impression that a vibrator will lead to experiencing a diminishing sense of sexual pleasure. However, this is untrue. For the numbing of the genitals to occur, you would literally have to excessively use a vibrator for many hours every single day- to the point where it is an addiction or you would feel pain, which is a no go.
Intermittent use of an external or internal vibrator, even daily for half an hour will not numb the genitals. Nerve endings will numb if consistently stimulated or massaged, or with an extraordinarily powerful vibration. Even if you do experience numbness, this is only temporary.
Vibrators Are Sleazy
Get that sh*t outta here! This is a complete fallacy made up by old wives tales and the patriarchy. Sex toys have been used since time began, and our bodies have desires that need to be filled. All identifying women from different walks of life use sex toys, particularly external or penetrative vibrators on a regular basis. Using one doesn't make you sleazy. Quite the opposite!
Vibrators Will Weaken The Pelvic Wall
This is clinically incorrect! Vibrators will cause the internal muscles of the pelvic region to spasm, therefore strengthening the pelvic wall. A stronger Pelvic wall and floor will allow you to achieve orgasms more easily.
Don't forget to find the vibrator that suits your needs! Take our quiz today!

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